COVID19 Infection Status (Various Data Comparison)
Countries and/or locations (Max50)
Expand Checkboxes
Total cases
New cases smoothed
Total deaths
New deaths smoothed
Total cases per million
New cases smoothed per million
Total deaths per million
New deaths smoothed per million
Reproduction rate
ICU patients
ICU patients per million
Hosp patients
Hosp patients per million
Weekly ICU admissions
Weekly ICU admissions per million
Weekly hosp admissions
Weekly hosp admissions per million
Total tests
Total tests per thousand
New tests smoothed
New tests smoothed per thousand
Positive rate
Total positive rate
Total tests per case
Tests units
Total vaccinations
People fully vaccinated
Total boosters
New vaccinations smoothed
New vaccinations smoothed per world
Total vaccinations per hundred
People fully vaccinated per hundred
Total boosters per hundred
New vaccinations smoothed per million
New people vaccinated smoothed
New people vaccinated smoothed per hundred
New 1st doses smoothed
New 1st doses smoothed per million
New 2nd doses smoothed
New 2nd doses smoothed per million
New 3rd doses smoothed
New 3rd doses smoothed per million
Total 3rd doses
Total 3rd doses per hundred
New 4th doses smoothed
New 4th doses smoothed per million
Total 4th doses
Total 4th doses per hundred
New 5th doses smoothed
New 5th doses smoothed per million
Total 5th doses
Total 5th doses per hundred
New 6th doses smoothed
New 6th doses smoothed per million
Total 6th doses
Total 6th doses per hundred
New 7th doses smoothed
New 7th doses smoothed per million
Total 7th doses
Total 7th doses per hundred
New 1st doses 65over smoothed
New 1st doses 65over smoothed per million
New 2nd doses 65over smoothed
New 2nd doses 65over smoothed per million
New 3rd doses 65over smoothed
New 3rd doses 65over smoothed per million
Total 3rd doses 65over
Total 3rd doses 65over per hundred
New 4th doses 65over smoothed
New 4th doses 65over smoothed per million
Total 4th doses 65over
Total 4th doses 65over per hundred
New 5th doses 65over smoothed
New 5th doses 65over smoothed per million
Total 5th doses 65over
Total 5th doses 65over per hundred
New 6th doses 65over smoothed
New 6th doses 65over smoothed per million
Total 6th doses 65over
Total 6th doses 65over per hundred
New 7th doses 65over smoothed
New 7th doses 65over smoothed per million
Total 7th doses 65over
Total 7th doses 65over per hundred
Stringency index
Population density
Median age
Aged 65 older
Aged 70 older
GDP per capita
Extreme poverty
Cardiovasc death rate
Diabetes prevalence
Female smokers
Male smokers
Handwashing facilities
Hospital beds per thousand
Life expectancy
Human development index
Excess mortality cumulative absolute
Excess mortality cumulative
Excess mortality
Excess mortality cumulative per million
All cause deaths smoothed
All cause deaths smoothed per million
Total all cause deaths smoothed
Total all cause deaths smoothed per million
Retail and recreation percent change from baseline smoothed
Grocery and pharmacy percent change from baseline smoothed
Parks percent change from baseline smoothed
Transit stations percent change from baseline smoothed
Workplaces percent change from baseline smoothed
Residential percent change from baseline smoothed
Two axes comparison
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